
Christmas '09

It was okay, I guess. Seems like the older I get the more Christmas isn't like it used to be. I don't care about the whole gift giving shit at all. Honestly, I'd be happy if no one got me nothing. Isn't Christmas suppose to be about Christ anyway? So why has the entire world caught up with spending money on everybody?

Hm.. maybe I'm just the Grinch this year; haha.

But on a happier note, I got some good gifts; bought by and for myself. Laptop, Blackberry, tongue piercing and a round trip ticket out to see my baby in January. What more was there to ask for! 


P.S. I Love You

Well, well, well! The boyfriend would like me to write a mushy-mushy-so-3rd-grade-love-note. Ha!

I love you, Christopher Lee Humphrey. You are the only person that lights up my world. I get fluttering butterflies swirling 'round in the pit of my stomach every time I hear your voice or read your texts.You are my everything. I will love you forever, times infinity!

Muchos amor, Señor Humphrey!


Salon Photoshoot

So this is what happens when a young hairdresser is alone in the salon, with no customers. Sigh - slow days are a bore!
Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.
 {[My boyfriend's favorite picture]}

That concludes the fun. Back to work. ;)
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